Category: Stories and itineraries


Having a camper van with a toilet is great for a comfortable and stress-free camping experience. Enjoy your independence on the road with your minivan camper equipped with a toilet.
Find out how we achieve dream road trips for $20 a day. Browse the detailed budget of our month-long trip, 10,000 km from Quebec to Wyoming and South Dakota. To explore mythical parks like Yellowstone or the Grand Teton National Park.

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A lifelong enthusiast of camping and Road Trips, Marc Villeneuve shares with us his logbook of a 45-day Roadloft trip from Quebec to Florida in March and April.
Roadloft "Bed and Breakfast", the ultimate mobile professional refuge, mobile office-apartment... Our customers tell us about the impact on their social and professional lives resulting from the accessibility of the solution. A simplicity that encourages spontaneity and facilitates mobility. The project brings nature and people closer, culturally enriches, entertains, promotes exchanges.
If you are considering adopting the Vanlife and want your four-legged companion to join you, it is imperative to properly equip your vehicle. Wether it’s a dog, a cat, or even a hamster, it’s indeed possible to take your pet on the road. For some people, travelling with their pet is safe. For others, it’s […]
  Are you familiar with the term “Hidden Gems”? This expression is used to designate places, often little-known or little-visited, but which are particularly beautiful or worthy of interest. So it was with a view to finding hidden gems that we set off for Florida one fine January morning. Parenthesis: Jean-François and I work in […]
Nous avons fait plusieurs road trips aux USA en novembre et décembre, des mois où troquer la grisaille et le froid pour le soleil et la découverte sur la route est juste parfait! Le sud des États-Unis est vaste et ses multiples attraits le sont tout autant.
We made several road trips in the southern US in November and December, months when swapping the grey and cold for the sun and the discovery on the road is just perfect! The southern United States is vast and so are its many attractions.
From you to me, nature contributes to our physical and mental health immensely! We often forget it, but Montreal is an island rich in hidden gems of nature where it is possible to disconnect from the stressors of city life.
Sophie has been traveling the roads of Quebec as a photographer and videographer for over three years. In order to make the most of her work stays across Canada, she was missing only one thing: her small mobile cottage.