Category: All about our kits


The Vanlife at 1 or 2% of the cost, yes it's possible. The comparative study between the costs of an RV vs a removable camper conversion kit added to the everyday vehicle (minivan or SUV) confirms this. See the detailed analysis in this article.
Find out how we achieve dream road trips for $20 a day. Browse the detailed budget of our month-long trip, 10,000 km from Quebec to Wyoming and South Dakota. To explore mythical parks like Yellowstone or the Grand Teton National Park.

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How to beat inflation, make your Vanlife dream come true now, whatever your age or the thickness of your wallet. And live these moments that enhance your life, make you vibrate and relax. Discover our seven foolproof tips for living Vanlife despite inflation.
Outdoor enthusiasts find our Roadloft SUV camping kit the ultimate tent alternative. Especially on rainy days. Discover our space optimization tips in this article.
The Vanlife at 1 or 2% of the cost, yes it's possible. The comparative study between the costs of an RV vs a removable camper conversion kit added to the everyday vehicle (minivan or SUV) confirms this. See the detailed analysis in this article.
I had the chance to test it during a nice and warm weekend in July, with a Honda CRV. I am sharing my experience and what I got out of it.
There are several differences to consider between a minivan converted into a camper with a removable RoadLoft conversion kit and an SUV equipped with a RoadLoft camping kit. They all stem from the space available and the configuration of these two very different types of vehicles.
People often ask us if we feel trapped in our little camper. The answer is simple: since we've optimized its conversion and have both an interior bench and table AND an extra-long double bed, we don't feel cramped at all.
Convinced that traveling in our mini-van is the perfect camping solution nowadays, we want to share this alternative to bigger RVs with as many people as possible.
From the end of our first year of operation, in 2019, we began to plan the construction of a infrastructure to adequately meet the growing demand. Discover our small ultramodern factory!