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Category: Vanlife Roadloft


The Vanlife at 1 or 2% of the cost, yes it's possible. The comparative study between the costs of an RV vs a removable camper conversion kit added to the everyday vehicle (minivan or SUV) confirms this. See the detailed analysis in this article.
Find out how we achieve dream road trips for $20 a day. Browse the detailed budget of our month-long trip, 10,000 km from Quebec to Wyoming and South Dakota. To explore mythical parks like Yellowstone or the Grand Teton National Park.

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Find out how we achieve dream road trips for $20 a day. Browse the detailed budget of our month-long trip, 10,000 km from Quebec to Wyoming and South Dakota. To explore mythical parks like Yellowstone or the Grand Teton National Park.
With the its daily grind, the week can get exhausting. There's nothing like a spontaneous getaway to break your routine. From May to October, our mini-van allows us to find an escape in nature, comfortably.
From the start, RoadLoft's mission has been to bring people into nature, while respecting it. This year, we had the idea to push this intention a little further. The #roadloftcare movement was born.
How to define this increasingly popular movement? In the literal sense, it is the fact of living, whether it be short or long term, in a converted vehicle. This is its most basic definition, but the word Vanlife implies so much more! Here are our top 5 reasons to adopt Vanlife yourself!
Simplicity and comfort, this is what our mini-van brings us! This is even more true when the weather is bad. In a van, rainy days become a time to slow down and rest, since we have all the comfort needed to do so!