Minivan Camper Conversion Kit or SUV Camping Kit?

Camper conversion vs camping kit

There are several differences to consider between a minivan converted into a camper with a removable RoadLoft conversion kit and an SUV equipped with a RoadLoft camping kit. They all stem from the space available and the configuration of these two very different types of vehicles.

Superior minivan space 

Most minivans available on the North American market offers a minimum volume of available space from 4 feet x 8 feet over the entire rear surface to the front seats and much more overhead clearance.

Minivan Camper Conversion Kit or SUV Camping Kit?
RoadLoft Removable Minivan Camper Conversion Kit

Reduced SUV space

In the case of the most popular SUVs (midsize), the interior is smaller, more irregular and reduced in height. Because the threshold of the SUV is raised to cope with off-road conditions and leave the required space for the four-wheel drive system. And the rear seats, which cannot be easily removed (or recessed into the floor as in the case of the Grand Caravan), also reduce the space available in height. We will therefore not be able to sit on the bed in a sitting position.

Camping kit
RoadLoft Removable SUV Camping kit

Hands-free access to the comfort of the front seats

In the case of the minivan equipped with the conversion kit, the front seats always remain available, even if the bed is deployed. An advantage that customers find important, because they appreciate this permanent access to the comfort of the front seats of their vehicle to read, listen to music, chat, contemplate the landscape or to easily get back on the road. In the case of the SUV equipped with the camping kit, the bed panels will have to be removed to move the front seats of the vehicle back (which must be moved forward to make room for the long bed despite the space available).

Main impact: the living environment, entertainment

The main impact of its smaller space is to deprive the SUV of the living environment found in the minivan arranged around the table and the bench seat. A versatile and flexible place where it is good to eat, have fun in the evening or on rainy days, read, play cards or board games, surf the web, and even work….

Or in a lying position, “chilling” warm, lying on the bed or leaning against cushions (the height of the clearance above the bed allowing it). Open hatchback, to contemplate the landscape with the unobstructed panoramic view, etc.

Camper conversion kit
RoadLoft Minivan Camper Conversion Kit

Toilet Area

Our camper conversion kit for minivan provides space to place a portable toilet, which is not the case for the camper kit for SUV due to its too small space.

Toilet in a minivan
Specific to minivan layout with RoadLoft conversion kit: space to install a toilet

At first glance, we would therefore not have thought of a kit for SUVs without the insistence of customers. Why?

Because we appreciate life on board our minivan converted into a camper too much to sacrifice its many advantages. On the other hand, by discussing with the customers submitting their request to us, we understood that we could look at the question from another angle, to meet their needs.

Meet another need

Because they mentioned to us that they wanted to get equipment that would allow them to sleep in their vehicle and be able to cook there under the hatchback, nothing more. And that they could do without this interior “living environment” space or even partially reproduce it outside (with a mosquito net shelter, for example).

It is therefore to meet this more limited demand, but allowing the owner to equip himself quickly with a camping kit without changing his SUV or getting a minivan, that we worked on this development.

Kit de camping, les bancs arrières relevés
Camping kit, rear benches raised

To meet the same need to hit the road, but differently. That’s why we feel our SUV camping kit is more for short getaways compared to our RoadLoft detachable camper conversion kit which can cater more to extended stays and the traveller’s needs for the perfect Road Trip.

